Friday, July 3, 2009

Principles of the European Auto Insurance for you

In the countries of the European Union there are no requirements according to which the general and special conditions of policiesof assurance should be preliminary approved supervision body. Besides, the insurance companies independently define the size ofinsurance awards. Thus, the main task of bodies of supervision is the control over financial well-being of the insurance companies. Itmeans that in the EU countries now there are no fears of that insurance awards will be or are too overestimated (i.e. become inaccessible to the majority of insurers), or are extremely underestimated (i.e. will lead to that insurers cannot pay all declaredlosses).

In the European Union countries to be insured - rather favorable employment. Insurers are responsible for damage of property of thethird parties by the sum more than 120 thousand dollars, and for a damage health - has more than 600 thousand dollars. By rules of some European countries the real damage from failure in general is subject to compensation, that is will pay it is so much, how many it is required, for example insurers should pay lifelong disability pensions. But the most important thing, that in Europe to anybody and in a head does not come «to gain money» on the auto citizen, annual receipts by this kind of insurance make all about 40 million euro. As a rule, in the European countries, the insurance companies pay to clients about 90 % of the money received from them, living for percent from their placing, and at us the insurance companies pay to clients on the average about 6 %.

For the EU countries there is a principle of a uniform European insurance policy which means, that for the cars moving from one EUcountry another, the separate certificate of insurance «Green card» as the award paid by the driver for insurance of a civil liability in its native land any more is not required, also covers its responsibility in any other country (article 2, the First Instruction on auto insurance). However, the certificate «Green card» if it goes to the third countries which have not signed «the Multilateral guaranteeagreement between national bureaus of insurers» is required to the driver, but have signed «the Uniform agreement between a bureau» or so-called «the Agreement on the Green card» (article 7, the First Instruction on auto insurance). All insurancecompanies which are engaged in insurance of a civil liability of owners of motor transport in one EU member state, automaticallyand necessarily are members of the Bureau the Green card.

In each EU country the so-called Guarantee Fund is created. Its means are used for the indemnification, suffered as a result of incident with participation of the unstated or not insured car. All insurers working in the market of insurance, at once andautomatically become members of the created Guarantee Fund. Thus the dissatisfied party can address directly in Guarantee Fundfor the indemnification. The principle of a uniform insurance policy for EU member states means, that henceforth to move by the car from one EU country in another, it is not necessary to buy each time separate «a green card». However, it is necessary for drivers to receive such card when they go to the third countries (the countries which are not members of EU). All companies working in themarket of insurance of the EU countries, automatically become members of the Bureau «Green card».

The supervision body bears responsibility for the control of a financial condition of the insurance companies. In the EU countries thesupervision body conducts constant monitoring of following indicators: the minimum size of the authorized capital (not less than 3 million Euro), marge solvency and the size of technical reserves.

Reinsurance questions in auto insurance also have important value in achievement of the purposes of supervision and maintenance of success of all system OSAGO. The matter is that the companies which are engaged in reinsurance, not only provide financialstability of the insurance companies, but also transfer to insurers valuable experience in a part of settlement of losses and formation of reserves.

Besides, in EU the special system of settlement of the losses suffered in any country, distinct from that where there is a constant residence of the insurer and where its insurance company is registered is created.

All insurance companies should develop procedures of consideration of complaints arriving from insurers, to create within the limits of the companies system of the notification of employees and agents with which are dissatisfied for whatever reasons, and, at last, to define time frameworks of reception from them answers.